Ross and Bill2 worked on the final section of backdrop around the Helix and over Fleets Loop. A tricky job between levels with intersections that are not square!
Measuring Up
Marking Out
Trial Fitting
The Fancy Angled Cuts using a Hand Saw
I'm glad to have Ross's skills, which he acquired as a carpenter some years ago, available to me.
The final trial fit of the finished product
Track work
Rossco was again providing quality assurance and fine tuning tracks and turnouts this time in the vicinity of The Turn and the Helix.
Plaster and Painting
BJ just loves plastering. Barry assisted last Monday night and on Tuesday BJ started base colour painting and putting on "stippled" plaster.
BJ & Barry at work
Base paint colouring
Bob & Chris continued the block wiring for the Huntington Branch and commenced bus and dropper wiring on the lower deck for the same geographical locations as the top deck they have been working on for the last couple of weeks. The lower deck in this area is more complicated - Loco leads in & out, Main Line dog bone inner loop, Main Line dog bone outer loop, Daveyston Main, Flinston Branch and Lewiston Loop - a total of seven power districts. Chris came over Tuesday morning to continue wiring.
Loco Control Panel
I prepared the fixings for the Loco control panel and attached the panel front with some brass piano hinge. I drilled the holes for turnout switches, turnout position LEDs and solonoid activation push buttons. Then I cut out the opening for the turntable controller. I still have to remove the fascia to clean up the debris made during drilling and to debur the holes for neatness prior to fitting the electrical stuff.
Thanks again for your efforts boys!
The Monday night crew has a rest next week as it is a public holiday and then we are having a social night the following week so progress will slow down for a few weeks.
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