Jimtown is to the east of the southern wall which can be seen adjacent to previous work. BJ has been at it again putting the scenery base in for the residential and business side of town.
The town will be to the south of the yard which will contain two small silos and a general freight industry.
BJ has been busy putting in foam upon which 3mm MDF has been glued to allow buildings to be placed. It is intended to use HO scale buildings in the foreground and N scale in the rear to give a diminishing appearance.
Chris has been busy building some plaster kits I bought from Walthers quite a while ago. When we opened the international mail were found that some of the plaster sections had been broken in transit but Chris has done a fantastic repair job and most people could not find evidence of the breakage.I now have an opportunity to show off his excellent work.
Trial building arrangements
We tried different arrangements of the buildings to see what seems the best order for the street fronts. We decided in the arrangement in the second picture.
While we were busy doing the town scenery considerations, Rossco was addressing the track work for the bridge between Jimtown(eastern side)-Adamsville (northern side)of the layout.
The bridge between Jimtown and Adamsville locale is where Rossco has joined the sections of track forming double track across the bridge base. Details were shown in the 7th August update. Now the next task is to glue the tracks to the base with contact cement. Then the structural elements will be applied.
Joining the tracks on the bridge means the track laying on the upper level is complete and ready for test running - This means the onus is ow on me to finish the wiring and control panel.
Keep up the good work boys - If I did not have your support the outcomes would be less significant.