Thursday, February 27, 2025

February Update


This month a few things have been achieved and included: new project, Speed Stick, Speed Matching, Loco Maintenance, My Ops Session, Tasks completed & scheduled.

New Project

I was given a Swedish loco and a couple of wagons when I hosted Bo during his visit about a year ago.  I am finally getting around to working out a small shelf with a run of about 2 metres which I will position somewhere in my house.

Show #70 March2, 2013 on Model Rail Radio "The Professor Silencer" made by Duncan McRee was discussed.  

I followed up with Duncan a couple of months ago and he now markets it as the "Train Shuttle" and can be found here

How it works can be seen here

I will develop this further over time.

Speed Stick

My Bachrus Speedometer has been playing up since I moved to the runtime version of Java so I wanted more reliablility and Peter from Victoria brought my appention to the Speed Stick.

I orderd one, it was a bit dearer than I expected and the postage costs were excessive,however, it has arrived and I have started using it.

Speed Matching

My first try using the speed stick.  I put all my Bachrus Base data into a Excel Spreadsheet for reference.

I speed match on steps 7, 14, 21 & 28

Here is a video showing checking a speed step

Loco Maintenance

I had a consist fail during the session, so the offending locos were removed and replaced. Subsequently they went to the workshop and the decoders were factory reset and programming info re-written using JMRI.  It would appear the QSI V7 decoder failed and caused the issues.  After a factory reset the QSI has sound in forward but no drive and no sound in reverse and no drive. Looks like another one for the bin!  I have ordered an new Tsumani2 to replace it, hopefully it will arrive soon.

My Ops Session on 19th

Finally after some months I held an op session.  Alex, Barry, Denis, John, Peter J and Ross came and it was great to see you all after such a long break.

 Given it had been some months we all were a bit rusty but we got through around 90% of all the scheduled movements and Barry despite being "under pressure" a few times did very well.

I have finished all outstanding tasks from the session and updated waybills etc ready for the next session whenever that will be.   

I will attend to the remaning maintenance issues in due course.

Barry & Alex

Denis & Ross


Denis and Me

Barry as Controller

Ross & john

We spent around an hour afterwards chatting while having some nibbles.

Tasks Completed in last 30 days 

Scheduled Tasks for next 90 days

That's it for now so until next time.....


Monday, January 27, 2025

January Update


This month a few things have started to happen as I prepare for my medical rehab program. I have decided my first Ops session will be mid-February whilst spending time with Peter from Victoria who will be here.  What I will be able to do during March and April will depend on the rehab program.  I hosted the January NMRA meeting, had some assessments under the NMRA achievement Program, had a go at weathering with powders, undertook some maintenance activities and made some control system modifications. I also organised the Monday Round Robin Roster.

NMRA Meeting 

I hosted the Australasian Region Division 6 January Meeting.

17 Members and 1 guest attended the meeting and following afternoon tea we spent an hour or so running trains and discussing aspects of the layout.

It has been suggested that I consider organising a running session for members.

Here are some photos from the meet.

NMRA Achievement Program

I have been convinced to apply and get assessed for the following:

  • Golden Spike Award
  • Model Railroad Engineer - Civil
  • Model Railroad Engineer - Electrical
  • Master Builder - Scenery
  • Master Builder - Structures
The Achievement Program Maage and his assessors have inspected and judged the various aspects against the standards, and I will await the outcome.

Weathering with Powders

I had previously air brushed some weathering on to ore trucks many years back and wanted to show I could use another method. Whilst the outcome was Ok I was given some helpful feedback for future endeavours.

The Powders I used were purchased over a decade ago....


First Pass

The darkening was too intense so I had to do some rework.

Second Pass

Looking much better after removing some of the pigment.


I was happy with my first attempt with powders and have received some feedback on the placement of rust on the sides.

Control System Changes

From time to time I get a short on one particular PSX and the only solution has been to power down and re-energise.  This causes other issues such as JMRI interface issues.  I decided to see if I can reset the offending PSX by giving it an accessory address and being able to turn it off then on.  It worked!  The resulting task was to program an additional switchboard panel, change the turnout table, and Python Accessory Script.

Tasks Completed in last 30 days 

Scheduled Tasks for next 90 days

That's it for now so until next time.....
