Saturday, August 24, 2024

August Update


This month's activities have included:  Paperwork, NMRA, Kits, Maintenance, Car Cards, Ops Sessions, Tasks Completed & Scheduled.

Session 4 Paperwork

Well on the first run we found a series of errors/over sights with the cards which resulted in operating the control panel "on the fly" to keep order in the session with three trains "MIA" on the cards.

A critical review has been undertaken since the run and updates to the following have been completed:
  • Operator Roster
  • Hornertown Yardmaster Overview
  • Train Graph
  • Mainline Operator Job Cards
  • Hornertown Yardmaster Job Cards
The new versions have been uploaded to the webpage.

NMRA Meeting

I attended the meeting on 11 August held at the Adelaide Model Railway Club and it was well attended with 23 members attending.  I received my name badge and have a shirt and winter top currently in for logo embroidery. After the meeting I was taken on a tour of their impressive layout by Paolo who is a club member.


I bought a couple of small building kits as I have some solenoids to "cover up".

I will see which one works best.


This month has seen work on Locos and turnout issues.

Loco Maintenance

There were two dead locos when called up for service on 5 August:
  • Flintston Local - one of the GP9R's in the consist
  • Express Goods West - a RSD15 in the consist
The locos were taken to the workshop and had their decoders factory reset and reprogrammed.

Ore train F7A-F7B-F7A set couplers between locos disengaging.

There was two issues one of F7A's Kadee coupler was stuck open despite still having a spring in place and it speed had changed compared to the other two and was fighting the other two effectively "bashing" the coupler - the speed was ajusted after trial running and they seem to be back working well as a consist.

The SD45 on the Express Goods West started squeaking during operation.

Taken to the workshop shell removed and lubrication applied to motor, worm and axles in the trucks.

Rolling Sock Maintenance

There is still a need for a few more cars to balance the system so I am in the process of refurbishing six boxcars and a gondola.  Weight, bogies, couplers and coupler covers being screwed in place is the order of the day.

Recurring Problem

Again, I had had an issue with Peco above board mechanism failing.  The connecting rod between the solenoid base and the point disengaged at the point end.  I deployed the proven solution "to hold the throw rod down" so it cannot "pop off!"

The fix...

This is in a hidden location

Car Cards

I have made card cards for the seven pieces of rolling stock to be added as well as a missing one for Loco 6047.

My Ops Sessions

Monday 5th

I was joined by Barry, Denis, Peter S, Rosslyn & Wayne.  Peter J was unavoidably detained on Grandkid duties at the last minute, so Barry had "A run" instead of working the Control Panel.  Once again new tasks were undertaken by most as we all learn the new Sessions.  I must say it was really nice that Rosslyn returned to operating.

I was so busy I forgot to take some photos of the session.  I had some job cars "bugs" so it was probably good I was in charge of the control panel as I did some "on the fly" ops changes after we had two loco failures and a problem freight car causing multiple derailments (it was removed from the layout) and some coupler issues on the ore train F7A-F7B-F7A set.  I ended up with quite a long "maintenane fix list".

Afterwards we enjoyed the debrief and afternoon tea.

Wednesday 21st

John, Alex, Don, Barry & Denis joined me for the session. We ran a modified session as we has a late withdrawal of an operator.  Once again we had lots of new jobs done by operators  and I attempted to be mentor.  Barry ran the control panels and was on top of things most of the time.  Denis has his first go at managing Hornertown Yard on his own, so it was a huge task and I found I did not have as much time to mentor him as I expected but he did a great job under the circumstances.  I was so bust I didn't take any photos of operations!

L>R John, Alex, Don, Barry & Denis

Afterwards we enjoyed the debrief and some afternoon tea.

Wayne's Ops Session

Thursday 25th

Denis and Peter J joined me and our host for the session.  Even though we were short on operators all trains were run successfully and within the timeframe too!

L>R Wayne, Peter J, Denis & Me

Here is some video taken during the session.

Ross's Monday 29th July

I was joined by Barry, Don and Rosslyn at Ross's and we had a fun afternoon with Barry as Adelaide Yardmaster and Rosslyn as Birkenhead Yardmaster with Ross, Don & I running trains between them.

Don doing some "on the run" debugging and adjustments

Ross replacing a lift out section after rescuing a locomotive after "Barry ran over a hidden closed point and derailed"

Me and Barry at Adelaide

Here is a short video following 1 train.

Afterwards we enjoyed afternoon tea and the usual debrief.

Tasks Completed in last 30 days 

Scheduled Tasks for next 90 days

That's it for now so until next time.....


Thursday, July 25, 2024

July Update


This month's activities have included:  Spacky visit, YardMaster's Aid, Maintenance, Ops Sessions, Tasks Completed & Scheduled.

Spacky's Visit

Spacky arrived om Saturday 6th and with his laptop ready to load JMRI and get his SprogIII connected and operational.  He had had issues with his ESU programmer not allowing upgrades to use the latest6 decoders.  When we fired up the laptop it was very evident.  

The operating system as Windows 7 with 4Gb of RAM.

Spacky bit the bullet and after shopping online using click & collect within the hour we collected a new Lenovo laptop running Window11 with 24Gb of RAM.

Two hours or so later we had it setup and working with Java 19 runtime and the latest version of JMRI talking to the SprogIII.

On Sunday we connected his laptop to my layout and he started "playing with programming on the main".

He departed on Tuesday 7th and when he arrived home to "play some more" I got the call "It is not working"...   It dawned on me it was still looking for my NCE connection a quick lesson on preferences and away he went!

Good luck with the new system Spacky!

Yardmaster's Aid

I outlined last month what Wayne had made me an Aid.  Well, I stacked the magnets in a way he did not seem happy with so this month I added another area for the magnets so the built consists (green) ready for despatch are on the right and the consists to be built (yellow) in the session on the left.

Wayne's feedback was it worked!

The new layout

Magnets not used during current session

I had noticed some operators were placing "arriving cars card cards" at the front instead of the rear to ensure cars are cycled in some sort of order - so - I added some instructional labels

I will have to see if I get compliance!

Turnout Problems

My operators had started reporting intermittent problems with two turnouts that became too consistent.  The first was the mainline turnout into Flinston Yard and the second was the double slip in Picard Junction.

This was a job that required two people, I put out a call for assistance and Denis and Barry offered to help.  The time that Denis was available suited best so we got to it.  Well with my graded glasses on I could not see the crews let alone the slot!  I found my fixed focal length modelling glasses and at least I could see the screw head but not the slot - they were the original Peco brass wood screws.  Any screw that I unscrewed was replaced with a Phillips head one - much easier to work with.

Access to the turnout motors could only be achieved after moving my stock of wires and a few other boxes

Flintston Turnout

The photos show the story...

Picard Junction

Again, the photos show the story...

I am pleased to report that at the Ops Session on the 17th there were NO derailments!

Thanks for your help Denis!

My Ops Session

Monday 8th

Barry, Denis, Don, Spacky and Wayne joined me to run Session 2.

We completed all tasks and had some fun.

L>R Wayne, Me, Don, Barry & Spacky

L>R Wayne, Denis, Don, Barry & Spacky

Afterwards we enjoyed afternoon tea.

Wednesday 17th

Six members of my Wednesday group Alex, Barry, Denis, John, Peter J and Wayne

L>R Denis, Wayne, John, Peter J, Alex & Barry

Early in the run Barry had an Ooops moment and Denis ran over a closed turnout and derailed a string of cars causing an oh sh.. moment and Denis some additional work!

Wayne working Hornertown as Yardmaster

Alex learning how to shunt Flintston

John concentrating on his Ops

Always smiling Peter

Barry Managing the Control Panel and associated Paperwork

Denis working the coal train in LeMaistre Loco

Peter Shunting Adamsville

Granddaughters Alice & Emily and my Daughter Amy dropped in before spending time with "Grandy" upstairs

Afterwards we enjoyed a chat over afternoon tea.  It would appear the new format is being enjoyed by all.

Wayne's Ops Sessions

Wednesday 10th

Information and photos provided by Don: The Wednesday Group (that I can't attend anymore) included Wayne, Ross, Darren, Alan and Don.

L>R Son, Darren, Wayne, Alan & Ross

Thursday 25th

Barry, Peter J and I operated with Wayne.

Even though we were two operators down due to medical issues we ran all but 2 trains.  There was a few gremlins today with power issues at Mulga Ridge and a couple of paperwork oversights.  It didn't matter as we all had some fun.

L>R Me, Wayne, Peter J and Barry

Barry was lucky enough to get a couple of CRIB breaks!

Afterwards we enjoyed Jules's Freshly baked Apple Cake which was delicious!

Chris's Monday 1st

I was unable to attend so Don sent me these photos from the run.


L>R Don, Rosslyn, Chris & Peter S

Tasks Completed in last 30 days 

Scheduled Tasks for next 90 days

That's it for now so until next time.....
