I am still on leave from our Monday group to support family on a number of matters. However I have been using my spare time wisely. I installed the final two PB-105 boosters and 5 amp transformers that arrived from Model Railroad Craftsman, installed my second AuxBox, changed my python start-up script to include the new AuxBox, Printed the turnout numbers for Hornertown, installed storage track and Helix lighting, installed high capacity 12V and 5V power supplies, completed the outstanding tasks, completed the Grain unloading instructions for Huntington, our group Xmas dinner and my Xmas present.
I received the package from Model Railroad Craftsman which was duly unpacked.
The first PB105 was installed in the Helix area to separate the power to my DCC accessories from the track power. I adjusted the output voltage to match the rest other boosters.
PHPRO powers accessories and PB105 Power District C
The second PB105 was installed under LeMaistre Loco and output set to match the other boosters. I had to fit a new 4P4C RJ11 connector as the Lenz 103 Booster, which was being replaced, only used two wires.
I ran locos over power the adjacent power district boundaries to check correct track polarity and both boosters tested OK.
I am pleased to say that all DCC Power to track and DCC accessories is now coming from NCE gear.
Auxbox at Helix
The Auxbox will initially control the three staging tracks at Fleets Loop. In future I will add more animation and/or lighting controls.
Track Plan
Power Plan
The Auxbox controls the staging tracks of:
Fleet Park (FL 1 C-7 Acc-206), Fleet Vale (FL 2 C-6 Acc-207) & Fleet Town (FL 3 C-5 Acc-208)
Prewired the switch feeds ready to insert in the track feeds
Installed adjacent to track feed terminal strip and switch feeds integrated
Accessories powered through an EB1
Changes to JMRI Start-up
Improvements to the start-up process to power up all staging tracks which are normally kept powered down to power cycle decoders in an effort to stop data loss after extended periods with power.
Hornertown Yard Turnout Numbering
Operators have requested the Turnouts be numbered (like at Wayne's). I developed a scheme and have run it past Wayne who thought it looks Ok.
The numbering will be applied to the main yard panel and the East & West panels.
There are 51 turnouts requiring labels.
I have printed the labels ready to be cut up and applied.
I intend to use flat head nails or tacks for the numbers adjacent to the track.
Storage Track Lighting
Some time back Wayne gave me some excess 12V LED light strips that he had used on his layout. I purchased some wood strips to mount them on. I have finally mounted eight sets. I will use four under Hornertown, three under Flintston and one over Fleets Loop. The remained will be used in inside the Helix area.
Watching Australia v South Africa Test mounting the lights
Eight sets
Four set aside for under Hornertown
Three set aside for under Flintston
One set aside for Fleets Loop
Let there be light!
They are working but are far to bright.
So I will either install a voltage regulator or a LED dimmer in the circuit to tone them down.
I have half a dozen of these somewhere!
Well, we won't have to find a torch to see the trains in staging at Fleets Loop anymore!
I propose to switch them using the JMRI interface to the AuxBox's.
The picture quality of the CCTV cameras covering the staging tracks is better as it no longer relies on the infra-red fall back.
Helix Area Lighting
I have installed some lighting in the Helix area, I made sure they were facing away from the camera, and I can now see trains in the helix!
I also took some time to tidy up the wiring looms too.
12V & 5V DC Power Supplies
I purchased these about 3 years ago and have finally gotten around to installing them. The 5Volt one has a 30Amp capacity and the 12V one 10 Amps.
Each Power supply has two circuits, so I have setup a Volt and Amp meter on each 12V circuit to ensure things stay well within operating range.
Bench testing
Adding some voltage regulators
More bench testing setting the regulators to 10V
Temporary Installation before incorporating switching through the AuxBox
Outstanding Tasks
As outlined last month here is the progress....
Speed check GP9's on oil train
It would appear that some of the speed curve CV's were corrupted after putting on the test bed and recalibrating all is back to normal.
Railcar B end too low needs lifting
Shell off bogie removed and two red insulating washers placed between bogie and underfloor.
Grain Hopper derailment check card (1 of 10)
The grain hopper issue has been resolved with additional weight to bring it to the same as others, new couplers and regauging the wheelsets as two where too wide. I also discovered the coupler clips were not secured by screws - they are now.
Remove Long gas tank and store
Placed in the storage box
Missing Loco Cards Huntington Local
The lost is found an placed back in the system
Yellow Fuel Tanks derailing at Stanvac
Located the two cars, one had crud on the wheels which was cleaned and the other had Kadee axles that were out of gauge which have been replaced.
Flintston Shunter 1002 reprogram
Decoder was reset and reprogramed and now operates normally.
Check for something sticking up and catching cars at Picard Junction
A close inspection showed 3 track nails with heads not fully seated - they are now!
Loco card for loco #346 - Peter J
Finally done
Hunting Grain unload instructions
These have been done too!
Xmas Dinner
Unfortunately, I did not make it
as my wife had a general anaesthetic for a hospital day procedure the day
before and I was caring for her at home. I was a pity I didn't get to catch up
with Spacky who had travelled from Port Augusta for the occasion. However, most
of our group members made it this years dinner held at The Vines Golf Club for
the third year.
Barry sent me some photos...
I hear that John G was in attendance but managed to dodged the camera!