Thursday, May 27, 2021

May Update


This month I had my first Ops session after nearly two years but we had significant problems resulting in a new control system has been ordered.  Changes to my operating strategy are proposed.  I have been helping Rosslyn on the Sandgate & Southern and attended an Ops Session at Wayne's.

Hallett Cove Southern Ops Session

On Monday 17th May I ran session 4 again - the one that failed way back on 1st July 2019....

Wayne, John, Barry, Chris, Peter J and Alan joined me.

Being my first session in a long time I did not have any time to take photos as I was way too busy!

Well a number of faults appeared - half a dozen turnout failures, loco control problems and I discovered that my operators had forgotten lots of details, maybe the old saying "if you don't use it, you loose it!" has some meaning here.....

In the end I called time so a tidy end to operations did not happen so trains are all over the layout in various states' which means at some time in the future I will need to fix that.

We enjoyed afternoon tea following the session.  

Recently there has been discussions that we are all getting older, take longer to do things and can't last as long as we did...   This has resulted in a reassessment of my operations strategy as I have the longest sessions of any group member.

Control System Replacement

Despite all the work with the new booster the loss of control of locos in that power district have caused me to make a decision to replace my existing Roco system.

Whilst on the tour of USA, Canada and the UK back in 2016 it was clear that clubs and large layouts used one of two systems, NCE and Digitrax.  I have had some exposure to Digitrax with Peter R from Traralgon in the past and I was lucky to meet Jim Scorse in Indianapolis at the NMRA Nationals. 

I think his NCE product will suit my needs best. 

I have contacted the Australian distributor Model Rail Road Craftsman Shop and placed an order.

I have decided on a NCE Procab Radio System with hammerhead throttles.  I will need four boosters, seven throttles a computer interface.

I will replace the separate MRC system which I use for accessories by adding a EB 1 Circuit Breaker to the command station for those accessories.

There are supply issues worldwide at the moment so I will just have to wait my turn to get the components.

Future Ops Session Stragegy

Following on from fleeting discussion and comments within our group about operating sessions I decided to ask all my operators for feedback to four questions:

  1. what you think an ideal session length would be,
  2. the % of time you would like to be fully engaged in the session Vs downtime,
  3. do you think I have the right number of operators currently? Current crews are: Hornertown (2) and 4 running trains (1 or 2 per train),
  4. any other things you think I should consider.
 I was very pleased with the level of response and in summary opinions offered were:
  1. What you think an ideal session length would be. 

Overwhelmingly a maximum of 2½ hrs with a preference towards 2 hrs. 

  1. The % of time you would like to be fully engaged in the session V’s downtime. 

Everyone wants to be kept fairly busy 70% - 100% engagement whole session – most want 90%. 

  1. Do you think I have the right number of operators currently? Current crews are: Hornertown (2) and 4 running trains (1 or 2 per train). 

Most thought the current arrangement works ok, however, there was a definite recommendation that any shunting job should have an engineer and guard to reduce pressure on the operator and achieve “more fun” as two heads are better than one with shunting puzzles.  Conversely some thought a maximum of six people. 

The availability of operators will probably limit the number of crews – so I will probably drop one crew so minimum number of operators would be seven plus controller – total of 8. 

  1. Any other things you think I should consider. 

Perhaps move to a system of job cards similar to Wayne’s where all jobs apart from Yardmaster and local goods taking most/all of the session such as the “Jimtown Turn,” are done by the next available crew. 

Train others to work the panel to allow me to wander and assist like Wayne does – for those that remember like when Derek was around…. 

Pull the plug based on maximum operating time – same as Wayne’s. 

Don’t like using JMRI tablets – prefer throttles. 

Stations have labels showing what stations are East or West. 

Turn outs in Hornertown yard be numbered on the panel and ground – similar to Wayne’s.

 So my grand plan will be massaged to suit on-going needs and I will be making the following changes: 

  1. I will aim for a session length close to 2¼ hrs so like Wayne’s arrive after 1:00 and commence running no later that 1:30 and conclude by 4:00.
  2. All shunting jobs will have two operators.
  3. Reduce number of crews from five to four.
  4. The “efficiency factor” used in calculating mainline running times will be increased from 50% to 75% to reduce downtime.
  5. Yardmaster and local goods such as “Jimtown Turn” ill be predetermined and the remainder will be take the next job system – like Wayne’s.
  6. Realtime clock will remain to keep to schedule which maintains order on the system.
So new schedules for all trains and changes to accommodate the timetable changes.  The most time consuming will be the train graphs to ensure the schedules actually will work.

Sandgate & Southern

I have been assisting Rosslyn with wiring issues over the last couple of months in order to remove some gremlins that have been haunting her.  She has removed the vast majority of the old 5 cab DC wiring as paert of the process.

We have been installing the CD units I made for her about two years ago as well.

Things are progressing and Rosslyn will have a shakedown run again soon.

Ops Session at Wayne's

I along with Murray, Ross, Don, John and Des attended the session.  We all had a fun time and enjoyed the session.

Don at Valley Junction

John at Lowood Crossing

Don and Des at Dunkleigh Towers

Ross, Don & Wayne discussing boggie movement issues

Ross at Red Rock

Wayne has decided to limit the total number attending his operating sessions so he has introduced a roster system to ensure everyone gets their fair share of sessions.  I am 3rd reserve for the second session this month so looks like I won't be there...

That's it for now so until next time.....
