Thursday, October 31, 2019

October Update

The extent of my activities were were still somewhat curtailed as the dreaded lurggie hit the family and we still have some family issues.  However I did go with the boys on the Afghan Express Trip, worked on the control panel indication issue,  reset after failed Ops Session, Train Masters TV Session, Ops Sessions, Trainspotting and sourced the new power suppply for the long awaited new booster.

Afghan Express Trip

Barry and I travelled to Pt Augusta to meet up with Don, Rosslyn, Grahan, Spacky, Spacky's Grandpa & Jock for a great trip.

Getting ready to depart Pt Augusta

Don "educating" a german tourist

We had lunch at "The Austral Hotel" in Quorn.

L-R Jock, Rosslyn, Grandpa, Barry, Me, Graham, Spacky & Don.

Post Lunch Photo

Ready to depart Quorn

Back at Pt Augusts

Afterwards we enjoyed a nice BBQ at Jock's place.

Reset after failed Ops Session

I have spent about five hours putting everything back to start positions for Session 4 following the aboandoned seesion back on 1 July this year.  I just have to reprint some of the instructions which were "marked up" during the original session

Control Panel Indications

Last month I said I have had issues with the LED indication for the top level double crossover near Onka Valley.   Well they are fixed.  Turns out the Frog wires from the two turnouts were reversed....

Train Masters TV Session

With the layout out of action I hosted a Train Masters TV session whilst Spacky & Jock were down.

Spacky proudly wearing his Model Rail Radio Tee Shirt

Looks like  afew Decoder Buddies will be ordered!

I cooked a BBQ after the session and we carried on chatting before going back downstairs to watch some of Spacky's trainspotting videos during the evening.

The boys all watched on while I was cooking

Jock with Little Jock

Little Jock

Some say the profile is very similar!





Ops Sessions at Wayne's

We had two sessions whilst Spacky & Jock were down the first on Monday then again on Thursday.


Don & Des at Lowood Crossing 
Chris at Valley Junction

Jock and Spaky getting instruction from Wayne at Red Rock and Rosslyn at Acton

Jock and Spaky working Red Rock 


Jock & Chris at Upsen Downe
Rosslyn & Spacky at Valley Junction
Wayne at Red Rock

Don at Lowood Crossing having crib....

Spacky & Rosslyn at Valley Junction

Afterwards Wayne BBQ'd some Metwurst - very nice!

Story telling after the run....

We had fun despite the 32 - 35 degree heat!

Spacky, Jock & Don go Trainspotting

It has been a busy week but due to some long days "the boys" have been up early or out late doing some train spotting and recording some video..

New Booster Power Supply

I have been looking for a reulated supply that deleivers a minimum of 6 Amps at 19V Regulated DC so the booster input voltages match.  The HP laptop power supply I had, unfortunately was a three wire one which "looks for the right componets to be connected to it" so, it is now in the bin.

I managed to find a two wine 19V Regulated DC 9.5 Amp one in eBay!

New Booster

Still on back order......   I rang thge Canadian suppier and was informed that apparently the delivery from Lenz has missed the consolidated parcel despatch twice now and the unit is still in Germany.

I was informed it will beat least one month before I receive it!

There will now be no more ops sessions this year.....

That's it for now so untill next time.....
