Wednesday, September 25, 2019

August - September Update

The extent of my activities were somewhat curtailed again as over the last couple of months, we have been dealing with family issues.  However activities have included an Ops session, purchasing metal straws and chart board tape, and, medical instruments become tools.

Ops Session @ ENGVR - 23rd September

Barry, Rosslyn, Wayne and I gatherered at Peter J's for a Ops session around 1pm.  Peter had had assistance from Don to setup a the session using a train graph and train orders for mainline running.  We were one operator short but we managed to have a fun and interesting session.

You can find some details of Peter's Layout here.

I worked Grass Valley

Barry, Rosslyn & Wayne

Wayne & Peter J

Barry & Rosslyn

Since I attended my last operating session a new town has been born....  GLENBROOK!


I love the signs...

Great work Peter J!

Afterwards Peter J's wife Mary had made some lovely afternoon tea for us to enjoy.

Wayne, Barry and Mary

Peter, Rosslyn and Me

Metal Straws for Loads

Wayne had a suggestion on how to make pipe loads - obtain and cut up some metal straws.

I bought two sizes ready for when I get around tuit!

I found them on Ebay: Small ones & Large ones

Load Tie Down

I had another question for Wayne "What do you use for binding your loads together?" he informed me "Chartpak graphic tape" - I found it on Amazon.

Here is a link also ready for when I get round tuit.


I spent some time at my Doctors where he removed a couple of liesions and he, being a fellow modeller, asked me if I would like the scissiors and clamp he had used during the proceedure for modelling.  Apparently they are disposable items (the life cycle cost of expensive versions coupled with autoclaving is dearer than the disposable option).

They are now in the tool kit!

Control Panel Indications

Last month I said I have had issues with the LED indication for the top level double crossover near Onka Valley.   Well they are still there as I did not get to fixing them up yet.  So I will probably get to this sometime next month!

T-shirts from Lionel 

This year's version has arrived!

New Booster

Still on back order......

That's it for now so untill next time.....
