Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jimtown, Adamsville, Staging, Power Districts & Control Panels



BJ previously fashioned the 10mm MDF and has now applied the stippled plaster and once dried has coloured the rock face which has subsequently glued into place against the backdrop.

The backdrop has had the sky blue background applied.

Baseboard has been painted an "earthy colour" around building outlines.

Base coat has been applied to the fascia.

Depth has been added to the industrial buildings near the power station by constructing a box section behind the building facade.

Dummy industrial track installed adjacent to power station.

Cutting at Northern end of yard before industrial area.

Bridge to farm


Retaining wall behind the town buildings showing construction stages.

Trying out the building locations to get a balanced appearance.

BJ & I spend some time arranging and rearranging and rearranging but the result look pretty promising.

Proposed Street View

Addition of trees to backdrop.

BJ had some fun again.


New curved turnout installed and tracks relaid to accommodate staging lead. Bob installed the dropers on Monday night.

Power Districts

PSX's mounted on MDF.

Wiring DCC feeds prior to installation.

PM42's being removed ready for the PSX's to be installed.

Control Panels

Iron Hill and Stanvac panels are now wired and operational.

Thanks for your continuing help Guys!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jimtown, Staging, Debugging and DCC Programming

I found a source for miniature screws etc today have a look here.


The fascia has been cut and attached but is still to be painted after basic scenery work has been completed.

BJ has fashioned some 10mm MDF ready for the application of stippled plaster to give the appearance of depth behind Jimtown and before the backdrop. It is anticipated that once completed the visual effect will be that of a small embankment leading to undulating ground with the backdrop appearing "more distant".

The industry locations have been set and will include" two small silos, freight depot, cattle loading yard, cold store and a dummy siding for the power plant (blue building in background). The power plant siding (not actually visible in photo) will extend to the backdrop, will not be physically connected to operating tracks, but have a couple of "static cars" to complete the scene at the plant.

Following on from the base board and track modifications at Lewiston Loop time has been spent in the area leading to the section under Flinston. It has been a bit tricky to get the grades right and ensure the road base installation still allows access to and point motors which may require maintenance in the future. Following much debate between Chris, Bill2 and myself I think we have a workable solution.

On Monday night Bob and I adjusted some of the micro switches installed on mainline turnouts in order to get a second set of voltage free contacts for signaling logic. On Tuesday morning Chris and I continued with this and fine tuning some accessory switches on upper deck turnouts.

DCC Programming
Having "run in a number of new Blueline diesel locos I researched the Broadway Manuals and JMRI Yahoo Group for DecoderPro. I had prepared myself some programming notes in order to try and not forget anything as there is quite a lot to remeber.

I commenced programming the first loco and set some CV's for the address and on-board sound levels then "locked" the decoder which worked just fine. I installed the LokPilot Version 3 DCC motor decoder (52611 same tech spec as recommended 52610 except that it has no Motorola, Selectrix or Analogue AC operation) and did the basic setup address, acceleration, deceleration and top speed. It worked fine.

Now for finer adjustments...

To my dismay there was no CV15 or CV16 to lock the motor decoder (Error 301 in decoder pro - no loco found) so all my work preparing my notes was wasted as the locking process could not be utilised. eg CV133 is the master sound and ALSO the Assignment of function outputs that are activated in status „stop-forward on the LokPilot - and there are many more.....

So any tweaking of either decoder must be done when they are not all hooked up for running.

So I had to make a dummy plug with track input and motor output connections and a motor (a load must be attached to the decoder to write CV's) in order to program the motor decoder functions which have CV conflicts with the sound decoder.

I'm hoping that when I have tweaked my sound decoder to what I want then I can lock it down so only CV1 and CV15 can be addressed the I can use DecoderPro for speed matching prior to consisting.

I'll have to write a new set of programming notes now!